Friday, August 6, 2010

Hey Baby Let's Go To...


The Engineer (T) had some work in Texas, so we packed 'em up and headed out! Little Bit stayed with the grands - THANK YOU!!! - while we made the long drive.

Grandpa J printed maps for the kids that showed every major city (and some not so major) from our hometown to the heart of Texas. Much to my surprise and delight, Little Man was just as "into it" as Sister was. They located each city as we drove through and marked it with a star sticker, and then connected each star sticker. We learned about cardinal directions, too!

It's a long story, but we wound up taking a rental car due to company policies. I feared I'd return home, spoiled by a nice, new car (it had 2,000 miles on the odometer). Especially since the seat belts were new and thus, I reasoned, the children would be able to buckle themselves. Can I tell you I have never been more happy to return to my torn up seats and finicky seat belts, thirteen year old car??? Since Little Bit joined our family, I'd convinced myself if I had a newer car, the children would be able to buckle themselves, therefore simplifying my life. WRONG-O! Even in a new car with easy seat belts, we buckled them every time. God is gracious. I am very happy to be back in my saddle again!

Evidently Texans like their Whataburgers! It seemed Whataburger far outnumbered McDonalds. We must've seen thousands of Whataburgers, but we only ate at about a hundred.

When we crossed the state line, Sister spotted a church and could not believe "they have churches in Texas???" As we drove into downtown Dallas, she said, "I feel like I'm in Paris. Those buildings are like the Eiffel Tower!" She was also quite upset at the lack of desert on our drive, as well as the fact that we were staying in Dallas, Texas, rather than, "just plain Texas."

We tried to explain...but she would have none of that.

The first night there, we stayed at the Double Tree in downtown Dallas. (Above photo is not the Double Tree.) It was sweet. A flock of towel swans met us in the bathroom. The children insisted the swans would float if we could "just put them in the water!"

Post baths, we piled on the bed and devoured snacks from the cooler and fell asleep watching Man vs Wild. Nice.


  1. What fun!! Good job on getting the kids involved with reading maps (this coming from a map nerd!). I know people my own age who dont know their cardinal directions.

  2. I visited Texas for the first time two years ago - Austin. I went in May, and proceeded to sweat to death - who has 90 degree weather in May? Oh, right. I'm from Michigan. It can snow here in May.

    I'm not sure if you're a big fiction reader or not, but I recommend the book Big by Edna Ferber. It's set in the mid 20th century and talk a lot about the old Texans - those who can to ranh cattle - and the new Texans - those who made their money from oil. I found it fascinating, but then again, I like that sort of thing.

  3. Cool! I bet y'all are having a blast! How long are you there for??

  4. Fun. I love the map/sticker idea. And, I hope you didn't have to dispense much of that children's motrin.
