Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring, Glorious Spring!

Our front yard is home to what I believe is the most beautiful Japanese Magnolia in all of our city.

She is gigantic and grand.

Her arms swoop down, close to the ground, and still others reach to the heavens.

She whispers to me of God's creativity and glory.

And as the sun set and her petals reflected that warm light, I was reminded of His radiance...of Him taking on flesh to walk among us...and of His deep deep love for sinners, such as I.


  1. How beautiful! I don't think I've ever heard of this type of magnolia.

    What kind of camera do you shoot with? Canon or Nikon?

  2. We have one of those trees in our front yard but it seems to be blooming slow! All the other ones I have seen around town are full and ours has 1/4 of the blooms on it! :( But I am glad all the Spring things are blooming!

  3. Glorious! All creation sings of the glory of God.

    Our neighbor has a beautiful one that I have been enjoying so much. Now when I look at its blooms I will think of your meditations.

  4. Lovely! I wish the flowers up here would bloom as beautifully as yours are! Rain and SNOW tonight, says the radio! :) It's March 21st, Mr. Global Warming!
    I hope you are having a wonderful Lord's Day. Missin' you. Hugs all 'round!

  5. These pictures are so beautiful! The light is just gorgeous! The Japanese magnolias are in full bloom in our neck of the woods too. I am so thankful for spring and renewal! Thanks for the lovely post.
