Sunday, December 13, 2009

Merry Merry!

It began at Lowes...

with a little bit of this...

and a little bit of that...

But Lowes was pretty picked we hit up another spot. (And got a GREAT family photo. Kidding.) We picked our tree. The man cut the extra branches off the bottom...and another worker ran off with them...and when I protested, he told me to pick up scraps off the ground. We won't be back. I like my fresh garland. And I like it free. garland this year. But that's simplifying, right?

Then we rushed home and tucked three tired, fussy children into bed.

While I did the dishes, T read to me.

We LOVE Sarah! And Rush.

And just so you can see how the five month old is, no! Not MC...the puppy...

the one on the right...he's the five month old. A day older than MC. I'm not going to talk about him tonight. It has been a little while.

A few nights later we decked the tree.

And feasted...

on a few...

of these.

Once it was all done...

(that ornament was my grandmothers and I LOVE it)

and the little man'd had his fill of s'mores....

he and MW fought over who got to put the star on top.

So we let...

them both.

That star is a newlyweds, livin' on love, still in school, first Christmas, we have NO ornaments, sacrificing a meal to buy it, Freds purchase, that we LOVE. (Not to mention T's parents made a foil covered star for their first tree and still use it, so it's only fitting.) Of course, this was pre-tinsel.

This little girl hung out. Literally.

We had a few tickle wars...

And then tried to get a Christmas card picture. I tried.

Merry Merry to you!


  1. What a great post J! I think your tree is beautiful...and the family picture IS great!! will realize it too in a few years! There were a few pictures I decided not to send because they weren't "good enough"...and now they are favourites of mine...hmmmm interesting hey?

    We bought a tree topper for our first Christmas too...aren't they special? I actually got sentimental over gift tags the other day while wrapping gifts for our children. You see...I saved them from year to year to SAVE $$$$...and NOW...they are did that happen??? So I was nearly in tears while wrapping in the house alone...crazy hey?? :)

    Oh...I'm sorry about the branches off your tree that got taken away...that's too bad! :(

    Thanks for sharing a bit of your life with's precious!

    Have a wonderful CHRISTmas!


  2. Yay for Rush! I love to listen to him too.

    I love this sweet post.

    Warrior is SO big. So is MC! Time flies!

  3. Okay, LOVE the tree and may add tinsel to mine, it looks so pretty! Tell the story of the dog, who by the way, I will adopt-he is adorable and precious and large and would fit right in with my bloodhound and Rhodesian ridgeback. And what is that thing the baby is in? It looks cool and I may need to have one.
    Love some Rush and Sean Hannity too!

  4. The pic of the silver ornament with you reflected in it is genius! So beautiful.

    I love all of the Christmas tree sparkle.

  5. Merry merry to ya'll too! We're safely back...i'll be prepping soon for the two concerts coming up. I absolutely LOVE your tree and I wish oh so wish! you would use that pic for the Christmas card. Those perfect, everyone's looking, no one is blinking, everyone's smiling brightly pics are just not as fun as the precious ones like the one you caught. I think it looks more artsy with MC looking at Trey and your little angel Maggie looking angelic of course and Trey looking like the wonderfully wild little man that he is. They're all so precious and I had SO much fun seeing all of them and you on my bday. Have fun this Christmas! Love love love ya!

  6. Sigh... holiday moments so quickly become treasured memories. Love the star!
