Sunday, December 2, 2012

Merry Christmas

We are laughing. (Ok-there's a little bickering as to whose fault it is...)

What else can you do? We left with the tree intact and came home to...well, see?

No sense crying over spilled milk...or a fallen tree. And a bajillion broken's first Christmas ornaments and ornaments that graced our grandparents' trees. Sigh. Ugh. Ok...I'm going to laugh now.

Merry Christmas, y'all!


  1. Bless yall! Your living room looks homey though :)

  2. :( 11 years ago, we experienced the same thing. so sorry. every year since, fishing line.....

  3. I am so totally NOT laughing. SO sorry my sweet friend. Truly.

    Love you!
    Camille XO

  4. Oh no, that's awful! So sorry! That stinks!

  5. So many special memories, broken. Life goes on but such sadness over memories....broken. It is what it is, but OH MY GOODNESS! No ones one does that on purpose. don't know what else to say....

  6. Yep, totally done that. Had to rig the dang thing up with fishing line so it wouldn't fall again. You are not alone, friend! Glad you could laugh about it!

  7. My children (twins) have been breaking our ornaments! At least it has not been on purpose. They think they are toys that dangle on the tree. I've been reminding myself Matthew 6:20..."Store up treasures in heaven..."I really miss our giant playpen a.k.a. "the cage." It really protected our tree.

  8. How awful! But, what a sweet outlook you have :) I couldn't help but notice your seagrass rug. I've been searching for one like that without the thick cotton binding--my kids have totally ruined the one I have, and I don't think there is any way to keep the binding clean. Would you mind sharing where you got your rug?


  9. This happens EVERY year in our home. Usually at least once, but sometimes up to three times. I think it is our stand, but I'm too cheap to buy a new one! Keep laughing, Girlfriend!

  10. This is a recurrent theme everywhere I go; the loss, the heartbreaking loss of things. Treasured, irreplaceable ornaments, jewels stolen in robberies, photos lost in a fire, treasures swept away in a storm. Do you not wonder that God is teaching us? not here, not here, not all this stuff here? It seems so painful, we've attached so much love to our stuff and then in a second it is (unjustly) taken from us. I really think He wants our attention. I really think He is doing things to force us to look away in our grief from our things to Him. I am so sorry that you lost so many precious, irreplaceable treasures. I'm going to trust that someday you will hold again all that is dear to you, and more.

  11. I admit it...I laughed. Only because this is the story of my life.

  12. oh dear! This happened to us last year and now Kev bolts the tree to the wall, ha! Miss seeing you guys!
