Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No, Mr. President.

My friend Misty shared this on her blog...I hope you'll take the few minutes to watch.


  1. We must pray. Thanks for sharing.

  2. thanks for sharing the video...I'll be passing it along.

  3. Thank you for sharing that, J. It is inspiring!

  4. I came across your blog on Posy Gets Cozy today. Thank you for sharing this video. I think the Lord wanted me to see it today. I lead a post-abortive bible study called Forgiven and Set Free. The president thinks it is a choice that helps women but it is just another lie of the enemy that not only kills children, but also the mothers emotionally for the rest of their lives. I know I am called by the Lord to help heal the hearts of women and free them from the bondage of satan's lies so that we can speak up and not stay quiet about this any longer.
